
Franconia in all its facets

The festival town on the river Sulzach can look back over a history of 1,200 years. Witnesses of this long tradition include the market place, which is also known as ‘Franconia’s Festival Hall’, the unique ensemble of churches and the Romanesque cloister that, every summer, is transformed into the setting for the Cloister Festival. Modern Feuchtwangen is represented by the Bavarian Casino with its futuristic architecture.


  • 8th century AD Benedictine monastery (‘Fiuchtinwanc’) and the court of a Frankish king
  • 1197 Conversion of the monastery into a ‘Chorherrenstift’
  • about 1200 Free Imperial Town
  • 1376 Loss of Free Imperial status
  • about 1400 Construction of the town wall with three gates and 14 towers
  • 1563 Dissolution of the ‘Chorherrenstift’ during the Reformation
  • 17th / 18th century Official town of the margraviate of Brandenburg-Ansbach
  • 19th century Demolition of most of the town fortifications
  • 1949 Cloister Festival held for the first time
  • April 2000 Feuchtwangen Casino opened


Eating and drinking

Feuchtwangen and its districts are characterised by a broad spectrum of traditional Franconian inns.

  • Emmer gourmet summer: Kulinarische Köstlichkeiten rund um das Urgetreide Emmer während der Kreuzgangspiele
  • Chocolate bars and chocolates (hand-made)
  • Saffron cultivation

Conferences (Bayerische BauAkademie)

Program offers


Tourist Information Feuchtwangen
Marktplatz 1
91555 Feuchtwangen
+49 (0) 9852 904 55